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Report Writing

 (1) Write a   Report on Heavy Rainfall in your Area Date: September 12, 2024   Location: Kheda In the last two days, our area has experienced heavy rainfall, causing several issues for people and the environment. The weather forecast had warned us of possible heavy rains. Dark clouds covered the sky, and thunder and lightning could be heard frequently. Effects of Rainfall 1. Flooding : The constant rain has caused flooding in low-lying areas. Water has entered some houses and shops, and streets have become difficult to walk through. In some places, drains have overflowed, adding to the problem. 2. Traffic Problems : Due to waterlogged roads, traffic jams have become common. 3. School Closures : Many schools, including ours, have declared a holiday because of the weather. This was done to ensure students' safety, as commuting in such conditions is risky. 4. Electricity Disruptions : In some areas, there have been power cuts because of the rain. This has affected daily activities,
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