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Showing posts from December, 2020

End of March 2020

 And end of the March I found that,  An enemy of the people is people, Whatever shelter u have is the only your  wall. Able to prevent unwanted air to you. Though.... Alas! Nest seems nasty now I think same,  As Gulliver finds the ugliness of close to faces! 

Memories from Lockdown/ year 2020

 When everyone is in hurry to leave this year let's see quick recap of this year 2020. People says humanity face so much pain in this Pandemic. Some may lost their loved ones... Some may lost their jobs etc., But I personally believe this year teaches a Life lasting lessons. Here, I am pasting some cuttings of my diary pages of lock down period... 30/3/20 आजकल तो लगताहै की हा सचमैं  मैं  Buckett का Vladimir  या Estragon ही हु। Waiting for Godot or don't know for what...  सभी  ने ये लॉकडाउन मै मीडिया मैं इतना कुछ भर दिया है की एक ऊबन सी हो गई है। अरे, जिस रोजबरोज के जॉब के चक्कर से इतना ऊब गये थे उसकी लिए वापस रो रहे है। सच में , ये मानव मन ही जिसको जो भी मिलता है उसमे कुछ कमी लगती है। बचपन में ओशो के एक किताब में पढ़ा तब की एक बात याद आ रही है की... मांगने में जरा संभल के रहना... क्योंकि अक्सर ऐसा होता है की... मिल जाए तो मिट्टी, और खो जाये तो सोना। और बेशक ये सच है। 31/3/20 And end of the March I found that,  An enemy of the people is people, Whatever ...

Memorable Lines from Alchemist.

 “It's the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting.” ... The secret of life, though, is to fall seven times and to get up eight times. One is loved because one is loved. No reason is needed for loving. And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it. Every blessing ignored becomes a curse. It’s the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting. From ~ Alchemist by Paulo Coehlo

New Day!

 Old ways,  Everything seems quite green, seeds I sow  in past of memories I believe, never go back, look back But, the air, Air is still full of smell  Smell of  breathe…breath of happiness Happiness which never get Though in search of it ever & I found Happiness is myth; Myths are always attractive. …. Obsolete routine is hatred of these days And today , much fascinating  With the innovative change  I wanna retouch it, The new sun rays…. The new day!