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Showing posts from July, 2024

Story Writing- 2 STD- VI

Frame a story using the outlines of its title and moral. Points: Introduction - The Journey to the River - Accidental Death; - King's Regret and Blessing - Conclusion.   Title : Shravan Kumar's love and devotion   Story :   Shravan Kumar, a kind and devoted son, cared for his blind parents, who desired to bathe in the holy river Ganga to purify their souls. Shravan carried his parents in Kavad, walking along the distance to reach the river.   While feeling the water, Shravan was accidentally shot by King Dashrath's arrow; the king was out hunting and didn't see Shravan. The king was filled with regret and graveness when he learned what had happened. He brought Shravan's parents to the river and granted them sight and a long life.    Shravan's love and devotion inspire the king, and Shravan's story has become a legend for us, emphasizing the importance of family and devotion.   Moral: Before doing anything think twice.                                         

Essay on my best friend

:- In the blank use your friend name. My Best Friend "A good friend is like a four-leaf clover: hard to find and lucky to have." – Irish Proverb My best friend is named ..... We met in kindergarten and have been friends ever since. She/he is kind and always ready to help others. She/he has a big heart and a bright smile. ......... and I do many things together. We love playing games and watching movies. Sometimes, we go to the park and have fun on the swings. We also enjoy reading books and sharing stories. It is truly said by someone that, Friends are the family you choose. One of the best things about my friend is that she/he listens to me. When I am sad, she/he knows how to make me feel better. She/he is very understanding and never judges me. I can always count on her/him to be there for me. 'Friend in Need is Friend Indeed ' I feel lucky to have ......... as my best friend. She/he makes my life happier and more fun. I hope we will be friends forever. Having a bes

Story Writing -1 STD VI

Frame a story using the outlines of its title and moral. Points - introduction - the journey begins - the big achievement - conclusion. Title : The Little Tree's Big Dream   Story :-  Once upon a time, there was a small tree named Timmy. Timmy had a dream: he wanted to grow tall and touch the sky. Every day, he would stretch his branches and leaves, trying to reach a little higher.  But it wasn't easy. The strong winds blew, and Timmy swayed back and forth. The soil was dry, and he struggled to find enough water. Just when he thought he couldn't grow anymore, a friendly bird named Sam came to visit. Sam brought water into her beak, and Timmy drank it up and felt strong again. As the day's passed Timmy kept growing, he grew tolerantly taller, and finally he reached the sky. His friend Sam and other birds sang a sweet song, and other animals cheered and clapped for him.  Timmy learned that even the biggest dream can come true if you work hard, and from that day on, Timmy

Essay on Independence Day

 Independence Day Celebration Independence Day is a very special day for our country. We celebrate it every year on 15th August. This day marks the freedom of our nation from British rule. It is a day of pride and joy for all Indians. On this day, we start by hoisting the national flag. The Prime Minister hoists the flag at the Red Fort in Delhi. There are speeches and parades. Schools and offices also hold celebrations. People sing the national anthem and patriotic songs. Children participate in different activities. They take part in drawing and essay competitions. Some dress up as freedom fighters. There are also cultural programs where students perform dances and plays. Independence Day reminds us of the sacrifices made by our freedom fighters. It inspires us to work hard for our country. We remember the value of freedom and our duty to the nation. Celebrating this day fills our hearts with love for India.

Essay on World Environment Day

  World Environment Day   Introduction   World Environment Day is celebrated every year on June 5th. It is a special day for everyone around the world to think about our environment and how we can protect it. This day was started by the United Nations in 1974, and now people in over 100 countries celebrate it. The environment is everything around us, including trees, animals, plants, water, and air. It is important to keep our environment clean and healthy. If we don’t, it can harm us and other living things. For example, polluted air can make us sick, and dirty water can harm fish and other water animals. One of the best ways to help the environment is by reducing waste. We can do this by recycling things like paper, plastic, and glass. Instead of throwing everything in the trash, we can put these items in special recycling bins. Also, we should try to use less plastic because it takes a long time to break down and can hurt animals. Another way to protect the environment is by plantin

Essay on My Government

My Government Introduction :  The government is like a big team that helps run our country. It is made up of people who are elected or chosen to make decisions and laws for everyone. Just like a school has rules to make sure things run smoothly, the government has rules and laws to keep our country safe and fair. Different parts of the government do different jobs. The most important job is to make sure everyone is treated fairly and has what they need to live happily and safely.  One part of the government is called the legislature. These are the people who make the laws. They listen to what people need and want, and they make decisions based on that. Another part is the executive branch. They make sure the laws are followed and help carry out important plans for the country. Lastly, there's the judiciary. They make sure the laws are fair and they solve problems when there are disagreements about what the laws mean. Our government also takes care of things like roads, schools, and

Expansion Writing (Grade VII)

Write an Expansion. 1) AS YOU SOW, SO SHALL YOU REAP Simple Meaning: The proverb "As you sow, so shall you reap" means that whatever you do or how you behave will come back to you in some way. So, it's about how your actions affect what happens to you. Expansion: This proverb teaches us about the results of our actions. "Sow" means to plant seeds, and "reap" means to gather crops or fruits from those seeds when they grow. Just like in a garden, if you plant good seeds (like kindness, hard work, or honesty), you will eventually get good results (like happiness, success, or trust from others). But if you plant bad seeds (like laziness, dishonesty, or unkindness), you will get bad results (like sadness, failure, or losing friends).  In life, the things we do today—whether good or bad—can come back to us later. By being kind, hardworking, and honest, we can create a positive and happy life for ourselves and those around us. Moral: We are responsible for ou