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Assignment12- A history of Language teaching And English Language Teaching in India

Name:  Reena Khasatiya
Sem -3
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Paper no. 12 English Language Teaching
Total words- 1801
Plagiarism- 19%
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Topic- A history of Language teaching And English Language Teaching in India.


In this Assignment I am briefly reviewing the history of Language teaching and English Language Teaching in India. Achievement of  Language is human’s great invention. Language is as necessary as breathing. Language is system which has been considered remarkable platform for communication. History of language teaching include various methods, provides a background for discussion of contemporary methods  and suggests the issues we will refer to in analyzing these  methods. From this historical perspective we are also able to see that the concern that have always been at the center of discussion on how to teach foreign language. Today’s controversies reflect contemporary responses to questions that have been asked often throughout the history of language teaching.

History of Language Teaching
Changes in language teaching methods throughout history have reflected recognition of changes in the kind of proficiency learners need, such as a move toward oral proficiency rather than reading comprehension as the goal of language study, they have also reflected changes in theories of the nature of language and of language learning. Kelly(1969) and Howatt (1984)have demonstrated that many current issues in language teaching are not particularly new.

It has been estimated that some sixty percent of today’s world population is multilingual. From both a contemporary and a historical perspective, bilingualism or multilingualism is the norm rather than the exception. Whereas today English is the world’s most widely studied language, 500years ago it was Latin, for it was the dominant language of education, commerce, religion and government in the western world. In the sixteenth century, however, French, Italian and English gained in importance as a result of political changes in Europe, and Latin gradually became displaced as language of spoken and written communication.

Before rise of English
Before the rise of English as standard or crucial language, the study of Latin ( the Latin in which the classical works of Virgin, Ovid and Cicero were written) and an analysis of its grammar and rhetoric became the model for foreign language study from the seventeenth to the nineteenth centuries, in that period in England children were entering in ‘grammar school’ where initially given a rigorous introduction to Latin grammar. Once the basic proficiency was established, students were introduced to the advanced study of grammar and rhetoric. Roger Ascham and Montaigne in the sixteenth century and Comenius and John Locke in the seventeenth century had made specific proposals for curriculum reform and for changes in the way Latin was taught. But, since Latin had for so long been regarded as the classical and therefore most ideal form of language, it was not surprising that ideas about the role of language study in the curriculum reflected the long established status of Latin. (Kelly; Howatt)

By the nineteenth century, this approach based on the study of Latin had become the standard way of studying foreign languages in schools. A typical textbook in the mid-nineteenth century thus consists of chapters or lessons organized around grammar points. Each grammar point was listed, rules on its use were explained, and it was illustrated by sample sentences.
 The goal of foreign language study is to learn a language in order to read its literature or in order to benefit from the mental discipline and intellectual  development that result from foreign language study. In which grammar translation method is very much in use. In Grammar translation method, ‘the first language is maintained as the reference system in the acquisition of the second language.’

Language teaching inventions in the nineteenth century
Toward the mid nineteenth century several factors contributed to a questioning and rejection of the Grammar translation method. Increased opportunities for communication among Europeans created a demand for oral proficiency in foreign languages. Increasingly, the public education system was seen to be failing in its responsibilities. In Germany, France, England and other parts of Europe, new approaches to language teaching were developed by individual language teaching specialist, each with a specific method for reforming the teaching of modern languages.

The Reform Movement
Teachers and linguists began to write about the need for new approaches to language teaching, and through their pamphlets, books, speeches, and articles, the foundation for more widespread pedagogical reforms was laid. This effort became known as the Reform Movement in language.
In this movement the discipline of linguistics was revitalized, phonetics- the scientific analysis and description of the sound system of the language- was established, giving new insights into speech processes. Linguists emphasized that speech, rather than the written word. The International phonetic Association was founded in 1886. One of the earliest goals of the association was to improve the teaching of modern languages. It advocated…

The study of the spoken language
Good pronunciation habit
Use of conversation texts and dialogues to introduce conversational phrases and idioms
An inductive approach to the teaching of grammar
Teaching new meanings through establishing associations within the target language.

History of English Language Teaching in India
English has a status of associate language and it is widely spoken language today. We can consider it as ‘Global  Language’. After Hindi, English is most commonly spoken language in India. In fact, English is most impotent language in India, it is not only for communicating with outside world but it is for inter-state and interstate communication. Because of the ethnic value and linguistic diversity found within our nation, English acts as a ‘Link’ language. Development of the Information Technology and most software; operating system being emerged in the English language. A new  efficiency for written and oral communication in the English language has emerged. People love to speak in English and they admire the speaker of English language, it means in Indian mind set those who are know English they are in elite’s category, they known as intellectual. In benefit of that idea many Spoken English classes making money! This love or respect for English is started with establishment of British colony in India and continue till today.
In this assignment I am  discussing this sequence:  ELT in India, ELT pre-colonial era and ELT post-colonial era, Various approaches and methods in language teaching.

In India English is crucial in some system like legal, financial, educational and business. Officially English has a status of assistance language. As I write above, After Hindi English is the most written and read language in our country. English symbolizes as better education, higher intellect mind and civilized culture. May this is the reason Indian likes to show of that they know English. Those who know the English often mingle it with their native language. Until the beginning of 1990s, foreign movies in India weren’t translated in Indian languages, but were broadcast in English, It means those were only for English speakers only. The reason Indians give such importance English is related to the historical truth that India was once a part of British Colony. In 1498 Vasco de Gama found sea-way of India and foreign community started coming in India. In 1800British East India company was established and Britishers started their business in India. But, their purpose of business changed when they found that It is not tough to rule over Indians. They intrude almost over whole India.

When the British started ruling India, they searched for Indian mediators who could help them to administer India. The British turned to high caste Indians to work for them. Many upper caste Indians especially the Brahmans who worked for them. The British policy was to create an Indian class who should think like the British, or as it was said then in Britain “Indians in blood and color but English in taste, in opinions and morals and intellect”.
Britishers established Christian missionaries during middle of ninetieth century. They built schools and high schools  at primary level for Indians In which instruction was in local language. Later on the missionaries built high schools. The language of instruction was English which obliged the Indians who wanted to study to have a good knowledge of English. Moreover, Britishers began building their Universities in India from 1857 and English became the first Language in Indian education.

The modern leaders of that era in India also supported English Language. In that time those who know good English were seen as intellect or new elite Of India.

Pre- and Post Colonial Period
English Language was basically formed to conduct trade with India. But, with their raise of political power, they created the British Indian provinces like Bengal, Madras and Bombay. The East India company look the responsibility of the education of the Indians for their own purpose were also realizing the important of English Language.  
As A.P.R. Howatt notes:By the 1830s the Indian middle classes were becoming very demanding. They realized that English was the language require for a secure future in a government job, so why was English not taught in the secondary school? Private schools offering this service were already doing good business, particularly in Calcutta The state was set for the first ‘big moment’ in the imperial history of English language teaching.

Meanwhile some movements were started by Raja RamMohan Roy to introduce western scientific education through English. He wanted to replace traditional Sanskrit and Persian teaching. To take a decision or to solve this problem, committee was formed. Lord Macaulay was the chairman of this committee.
Raja Ram Mohan Roy advocated English as the medium of instruction in the place of Sanskrit and Persian. Macaulay wanted to make Indian like English people, Indian in blood and color but English in taste and opinion. And their longing to the members f thus class would spread their knowledge through English.
Macaulay’s purposes was:
I)to create the dominance of British culture over the Indians and to have control over the minds of the Indian through English.
ii) to train Indians and make them fit for employment.

When India got independence, Government had decide to make Hindi as the official language, regional languages were given the status of national  languages.  And Universities and Schools were increasing rapidly in India. But, the question of standardization f English always remain there.
Therefore, English language has been considered as a major foreign language in India. As the world is getting globalized, there has been sense of English as a global Language. In the field of English language teaching is growing day by day in India because of good and dedicated  researchers have contributed something to English language teaching and moreover number of linguists have made foot print in the field of applied linguistic.

Howatt, A.P.R. 1984. A history of English language Teaching. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Titone, R. 1968 Teaching Foreign Languages: An historical Sketch. Washington, D.C., Georgetown University Press.


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