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Plato's objection & Aristotian theory

1 As every coin has two sides, my mind can't  choose any one side on Plato's objection.Plato's objection that "truth of philosophy was more important than the pleasure of poetry "is half truth that yes... Philosophy is more important than the poetry but it does not mean that pleasure of poetry is worst. People needs to satisfy their sentiment, feelings and pleasure of poetry...
Pleasure of literature... Is the meal of these sentiments.
2 If we see an example a book  of Chetan Bharat name,"One Indian Girl. "to begin with the book highlights a feminist perspective, protagonist's (Radhika) struggles through the  society and personal life,The book gives a major  blow to the conservative Indian society where  woman are underrated. Moreover... Chetan in a woman voice indirectly  become  a courage of many. This novel not gives only entertainment or pleasure to read but,it shows the reality of Indian society.narrowness of our mentality is the center of the novel but protagonist of story leads success.this is the good  message for us. Thus, here m disagree with Plato's objection.
But in onther example a book name '
"Eleven minutes "by Paulo Coelho. The story of women name Maria,a young girl from Brazilian village.we can say merely a same girl struggle story like  Chetan's  book. But the way... Which choose by Maria is quiet  different from the Radhika. In Paulo's this book I didn't find as good as the One Indian girl. I do not know if Coelho was trying  to really get in the mindset by over analyzing sex, but I felt a real woman would be less philosophical and more emotional about her experience.
I just felt that what shocking things would come on her was too dehumanized and how she handle the situation quite differently. Thus here m thinking  that yes Plato is right that philosopher deals with idea/truth wheras poet deals with what appears to him/illusion.
3 During my B.A. I studied I found "Othllo"is quite match tragedy with Aristotian literary tradition.
In Othello, Shakespeare certainly moves us towards pity, thus he becomes  a tragic hero.Othello smothers his innocent wife Desdemona in a jealous rage is the hamartia of play. Once more he quite fit in tragic hero's role when he recognizes afterwards that Desdemona is innocent and stab himself in remorse.
Thus, Shakespeare demonstrate with eloquence each and every one of Aristotle's qualification for tragedy with it's  powerful theme.
4 The same way... Protagonist of Hairy Ape is quiet different from the aristotian literary tradition.
5 Ghashiram kotwal is Marathi play written by Vijay Tendulkar.we can say play is political satire written as historical drama... But it's  follow  the necessary rules and regulations.The entire play depends a great deal on rhyme, pace and tone.
Here,sexuality is used as a significant motivating force in the the scene at Gulabi's house,not only religiosity and sexuality seen an unholy complicity but even politics has also become a victim of the power.and in the character of Nana Fadanvis we can see that the way he deals with Ghashiram and want to marry with his daughter and Ghashiram agree with him this is the hamartia of tragedy... 'By being a kotwal... Ghashiramcan take revenge against nana'. This is his misbelief and it's perpetia of the tragedy.
And arrangement of all the incident is harmonious, chain of cause and effect is also we can see.. And last thing is strong belief  of Ghashiram to take revenge  against Poona...this belief of revenge made him devil inside than he comitted that ' I'll show my strength 'and  this the centre or plot of tragedy.


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