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11september of India.

This year we are marking 125th anniversary of Swamivivekanand's Chicago address & Pandeet Dindayal centenry Modi ji tweet.
                  Young INDIA new INDIA. 
First of all I want to tell u that word Webcast means a video broadcast of an event transmitted across the internet and as Wikipedia shows that Webcast is a media presention distributed over the internet using streaming media technology to distribute a single content source to many simultaneous listeners /viewers. 
11september 2017 Today we showed the live Webcast of Prime Minister in our Department of English MKBU. On this Occasion of छात्र नेता संमेलन P.M. Modi ji addressed Indian from Vigyan Bhawan in New Delhi. Today we celebrate the 125year on Swami Vivekananda pride who represented India and Hinduism at the Chicago in Parliament of world's Religions(1893).
Swami Vivekanand was one of the most influential people philosopher &social reformer. Vivekandan established Ramkrishna Mission. Rabindranath Tagore said about him that... In Vivekanand there was nothing negative,  but everything positive.

In live Webcasting of P.M.Modi ji said many valuable and notable thing to us. He said that वो गुरु की खोज मे नही निकल थे   
        वो सत्य की खोज मे निकले थे। 
Here, we can feel the highest morality or understanding of Swami Vivekanand and how he chang the idea into Ideology. Another topics like.. 
¤Need of Creativity. 
¤stressed on swatch Bharat 
¤love, harmony and brotherhood
¤similarity of women 
¤important of presence/conciousness
¤Follow the rules 
These all the point are discussed well by Modi ji he also put slogan of Vivekanand that 'જન સેવા એજ પ્રભુ સેવા'  and put courage in today's youngster...and he firmly told that... FOLLOW THE RULE, INDIA WILL RULE. 


  1. Amazing character of swamiji.

    Swamiji's thought has inspired youth.

    I must remain our camp.

    We have been going to Ramkrishna aasharm (મઠ) in Rajkot. We lived there 2 days and 3 nights in Asaram. Thither We learnt many aspect of life. Really it camp has changed my life. Today whatever I am, it's only a result of swami's camp. I heartly thanks Dr. Arjunasinh Parmar..
    Nowadays whenever I feel nervous, I read swami's book. And inspire his thought.

    I would like to share one quotation.

    हे सखे, तुम क्योँ रो रहे हो ? सब शक्ति तो तुम्हीं में हैं। हे भगवन्, अपना ऐश्वर्यमय स्वरूप को विकसित करो। ये तीनों लोक तुम्हारे पैरों के नीचे हैं। जड की कोई शक्ति नहीं प्रबल शक्ति आत्मा की हैं। हे विद्वन! डरो मत्; तुम्हारा नाश नहीं हैं, संसार-सागर से पार उतरने का उपाय हैं। जिस पथ के अवलम्बन से यती लोग संसार-सागर के पार उतरे हैं, वही श्रेष्ठ पथ मै तुम्हे दिखाता हूँ!


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