Do you agree with Wordsworth's poetic creed? First of all for give the answer of this question we have to clear about Wordsworth's poetic creed... Wordsworth's poetic creed initiated the Romantic era by emphasizing feeling, instinct and pleasure above formality. Wordsworth gave expression to inchoate human emotions. In the Preface to Lyrical Ballad his main ideas of a new theory of poetry, subject matter of poetry and language of poetry. Wordsworth explained his poetic concept, "The majority of the following poems are to be considered as experiments they were written chiefly with view of ascertain how far the Language of conversation in the middle and lower classes of society is adopted to the purpose of poetic pleasure. The experiment with vernacular language was not enough of a departure from the norm, the focus on simple, uneducated country people as the subject of poetry. True to traditional ballad from the poems depict realistic characters in realistic situa...