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Major Novelists of the neo classical Age.

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Assignment  Topic-
General characteristics of the Novel, Types of Novel &
Major Novelists of the Neo classical Age

Name: Khasatiya  Reena K.
Roll No.: 36
Enrollment No. : 2069108420180032
Semester : M.A. 1
Year :2017-18
Email Id:
Submitted to. : Maharaja Krishnkumarsinhji Bhavnagar University
Paper No. 2 The neo classical literature

General characteristics of the Novel, Types of Novel &

Getting to the bottom of what makes a 'novel': a novel is like meeting an old friend all over again.
 In the simplest terms, a novelist a fictional prose work of considerable length. Beyond that, though, novels aren't so simple anymore.
The term ‘Novel’ Is applied to a, great variety of writings that have in common only the attribute of being extended works of fiction written in prose. It’s magnitude permits a greater variety of characters, greater  complication of plot
As a narrative written in prose, the novel is distinguished from the long narratives in verse of Geoffrey Chaucer Edmund Spenser, and John Milton which, beginning with the 18th century,  the novel has increasingly supplanted.
The term for the Novel in most European languages is Roman ,which is derived from the medieval term, the romance. The English name for the form on the other hand, is derived from the Italian Novella….’a little new thing ‘ which was short tale in prose. Long narrative romances in prose were written by Greek writers as early as the second and third centuries AD. 

• Characteristics of a Novel

Novels as a whole represent literary change.  For the Greek and Romans, they were a departure from the traditional verse epics and lyrical poetry and they have meant something different to every generation afterward.
Even the name from Latin Novellus meaning  ‘ young and new' of the literary form indicates that it’s contents should be something on the cutting edge of literature ‘s evolution.
How long is a work of considerable length?
The length  of Novel is something scholars in the field of argue about constantly. Fortunately,  for reader there is fairly standered range , with the shortest containing somewhere between 60-70 000 words and all but the very longest coming In around 2 00 000
    Novel is calling ‘a long book' but…  it is not enough. The Stories told by novels are fictional piece there is always an underlying logic to the events taking place as well as to how people react them
Another important characteristic of a novel's content is that it's written in prose rather than poetic format, though there may be lines of verse inserted for various effects.
Character and Plot Development 

Novels may have many kind of plot form -tragic,  comic,  satiric or romantic. And the length and realistic elements of the novel allow for deep and broad development of characters and their circumstances.
The situations that these people find themselves in are also typically more involved and complex.
 These story lines frequently involve dual perspectives of the action: one representing the external situation itself, another the internal conditions that coincide with, result from, or caused this series of events. 

Types of Novel
1)Picaresque narrative Novel
Which emerged in 16th century Spain.
Picaresque Fiction is realistic in manner, episodic in structure that is composed of a sequence of events held together largely because they happened to one person,  and often satiric in aim. 
The first and very lively English example was Thomas Nashe's The unfortunate Traveller. In 1719 Daniel Dafoe wrote Robinson Crusoe and in 1722 Moll Flanders. Both of these are still picaresque in type,  in the sense  that their structure is episodic rather than in the organized form of plot.
Robinson Crusoe is given an enforced unity of action by its focus on the problem of surviving on an uninhabited island, and both stories present to convincing a central character, set in so solid and detailedly realized a world, that Dafoe is often credited with writing the first novel of incident. 
2) Novel of character or psychological Novel
Is almost unanimously given to Samuel Richardson for his  Pamela.
The distinction between the novel of incident, the greater interest is in what the protagonist will do next and how the story will turn out . In the novel of character, it is on the protagonist ‘s motives for what he or she does and how the protagonist as a person will turn out.
3)Epistolary Novel
The narrative is conveyed entirely by an exchange of letters.
Later, Novelists have preferred alternative devices for limiting the narrative point of view to one or another single character, but the epistolary technique is still occasionally revived for example, in Mark Harris  hilarious novel wake up, stupid (1851)
4)Realistic Novel

Realistic novel can be described as the fictional attempt to give the effect of realism by representing complex characters with mixed motives who are rooted In a social class,  operate in a developed social structure, interact with many others characters.
A realistic novel focuses on the customs, conversation  and ways of thinking and valuing of the upper social class, it is often called a novel of manners. 
5)Gothic Novel
Gothic novel of the later 18th century. It usually deploys,  characters who are sharply discriminated as a hero or villain, masters or victims,  it’s protagonist is often solitary and relatively isolated from a social context.
One can distinguishes a special type of romance ‘the adventure  novel’ , which deals with the  masculine adventures in the newly colonized non-European  World.  Dafoe’s Robinson Crusoe is an early prototype and some later Rudyard Kipling ‘s Kim.

6) Bildungsroman and Erziehungsroman novel

Terms signifying ‘novel of information ‘ or ‘novel of education ‘ the subject of these novels is the development of the protagonist ‘s mind and character in the passage from childhood through varied experiences and often through a, spiritual crisis into maturity. 
7)The Social Novel

The social novel emphasize the influence of the social and economic condition of an era on shaping characters and determining events.
Example of social novel are Harriet Beecher Stowe’s  uncle Tom’s cabin(1852). 
8) Proletarian Novel
A Marxist version of the social novel  , representing the hardships suffered by the opposed working class,  and usually written to the incite the reader to radical political action is called Proletarian Novel.
Proletarian fiction flourished especially during the great economic depression of the 193s.
An English example is Walter Greenwood’s  Love on the Dole. 1933.
9)historical Novel
Some realistic novels,  including George  Elliot’s  Middlemarch and Tolstoy’s war and Peace, make use of events and personages from the historical past to add interest and credibility to the narrative,  but in them, the principal focus is on the fictional protagonist. What we usually specify as the historical novels.

Proper began in the 19th century with the Sir Walter Scott. The Historical novels not only take its setting and some characters and event from history but makes the historical events and issues crucial for the central characters.
Example of historical novel is A Tale of Two cities 1859a,  a, set in Paris and London during the French Revolution. 
10) Regional Novel
The regional novel emphasize the setting,  speech and social structure and customs of a particular locality,  not merely as a local color,  but…  as important conditions affecting the temperament of the characters and their ways of thinking, feeling and interacting. Instance of such localities are ‘Wessex' in Thomas Hardy ‘s Novels.
Neo classical age’s  Major Novelists 

Neoclassical literature was written between 1660 and 1798. This time period is broken down into three parts: the restoration period, the Augustan period, and the Age of Johnson.
Writers of the Neoclassical period tried to imitate the style of the Romans and Greeks. Thus the combination of the terms 'neo,' which means 'new,' and 'classical,' as in the day of the Roman and Greek classics. This was also the era of The Enlightenment, which emphasized logic and reason. It was preceded by The Renaissance and followed by the Romantic era. In fact, the Neoclassical period ended in 1798 when Wordsworth published the Romantic 'Lyrical Ballads'

1) Daniel Dafoe (24april 1660- 1731)

Dafoe was an English Trader, Writer,  journalist , pamphleteer and spy. He is most famous for his Novel Robinson Crusoe, which is second only the Bible in its number of translation. Dafoe is noted for being one of the earliest proponents of the novel.
-Robinson Crusoe 1719
- Captain Singleton 1720
- Memories of a cavalier 1720
- A journey of the plague year 1722
- colonel Jack 1722
- Moll Flanders 1722
- Roxana: The Fortunate Mistress 1724

2) Johnathan  swift (30nov. 1667- 19oct.  1745)
Swift was an Anglo Irish satirist,  essayist,  Political pamphleteer. He was a master of two style of satire, the Horatian  and Juvenalian.
A tale of tub 1704
Gulliver’s travels 

3) Henry Fielding (22april1707 – 8 Oct. 1754)
Henry Fielding was an English Novelist and dramatist know for his rich, earthy humour and satirical prowess, and as the author of the Picaresque Novel, Tom Jones.
Shamela is the satirical burlesque novella written by him.

The life and the death of Jonathan wild The Great 1743
The History of Tom Jones 1749
Amelia 1751
Beginning with the second half of the nineteenth century ,the novel displaced all other literary forms in popularity. The theory as well as the practice of the novelist art has received the  devoted attention of some of the greatest masters of the modern literature.

• Reference
Study. Com
A glossary of literary term. By M. H Abraham


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