Title: Time Management: The Key to Success Introduction: Time is that which never waits for anyone and is continuous in its own place. Once the time is gone, it never comes again. It is a precious resource that should be valued and managed effectively. In today’s fast-paced world, time management plays a vital role in achieving success. Time management is the act of planning or managing our time that is spent on various activities in our days. Time is significant, and it must not be wasted. One can always do much in a limited amount of time. So it is important that we plan our time wisely and make the best use of the limited hours of a day. One can set certain rules like, 1.Setting Priorities 2.Creating a Schedule 3.Time for Study 4. Balancing Extracurricular Activities: 5. Time for Rest and Recreation With effective time management, one can achieve their goals, reduce stress, and develop a disciplined approach towards life. It is the key to success. Laziness brings nothing to life. M...