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PADMAN movie review

Some people are crazy to chase their wish and constantly hoping for the change which they want. The same kind of story  is movie  Padman have. As  one review says that Padman often seems like a Public Service Advertisement, but  as per my view film have many good cinematography, meaningful lyrics in songs and dialogues, use of camera is also apt and film bring a taboo subject out in the open.

Film upholds the matter of woman’s Menstrual Hygiene. Lakshmi Kant  (Akshy Kumar) saw her wife using ditch cloth while she was in periods this the problem he found and in solution of it whole story goes on.

From the beginning one can easily notice many binaries on screen like Gaytri  feels hesitate to take sanitary pads for the cause of cost but she happily put the money on the name of Dharma. Lakshmi exalted tone towards menstrual hygiene but Gaytri squirming with the idea of his husband. Lakshmi belongs from pure Hindu family while his friend ‘Kasai’ but he  never kills emotions.

 Vandalism of society in name of stature unconsciously upholds the superstitions. It is deeply retrogressive that no one understand Lakshmi’s purpose not even his family, one scene in film that while Gaytri refused to use pad, he try to give it to her sister but she feel very embraced in front of their in-laws. People use word ‘Gandi Bat, Gandi chij’, for pad and menstruation. Even it shows that there is rituals on menstruation, while girl comes on period first time but ladies around her treat how to live in those five days, separate from all household work and all but they didn’t teach or aware about cleanliness during those days and side effect of it may turn into big diesis.

In movie it shows that young boys use word five days ka test match in humours way but in the last speech there is line that if man feel the bleeding only half hour of day , they can feel reality.  it is not an easy task.

Both the chief female characters of film are Gaytri and Pari(sonam), their affinity with the Lakshmi lead him Sharm to Sanmman means Gaytri present her squirm and didn’t support; her rigid ideology toward Dharma put her in unseen cage but, Pari make Lakshmi’s dream true and also open up cages of women, as only free bird can understand value of infinite sky. I found that Sonam’s entry is objectionable portrayal , she is playing tabla in concert it
means her prowess in art, made her character witty in understanding emotions and that’s the way she steer Lakshimkant’s dream.
Climax of movie is when Lakshmi himself tries to wear pad and people saw his blooded trouser. Villagers call him Papi, Dharmbhrsht and even his family leave him but he didn’t quit until he change shameness into respect.  In the last speech by Lakshmi is seems long but quite interesting that Lakshmi didn’t chase for Lakshmi but chase for real change and he done it. Struggle and result both are impressing.Role of Pari's father is also considerable that he played a role of mother and father both for his daughter.

As we all know Movie based on real life story of Tamilnadu’s social activist Arunachalam Murugananthan. It is not an easy task to talk about taboo in real life though it is worthy that He struggle a lot and  inventing low cost pad making machines, But still unfortunately it shameful in country that basic need of women is not provided to everyone . Swatch and Swastha is still slogan on banner. Some are trying to do that but many are still happy in as it is. It is certain that one movie can not break society’s binaries but we should try to understand that stereotypes consume our being.


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