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8th March 2018

Happy Women’s Day 2018: Observed internationally on March 8, Women’s Day is a celebration of women’s achievements across nations. This day is marked as Women’s day to show respect, appreciation and love towards the females. While the first women’s day was observed back in 1909 on February 28, the date March 8 was suggested by the International Woman’s Conference to become the ‘International Woman’s Day’ in the year 1910. This day is a blend of Valentine’s Day and Mother’s Day, when you get to show your respect and love for your mother, wife, sister, daughter, friend, teacher and others. The theme for this year’s International Women’s Day according to the UN Women is “Time is Now: Rural and urban activists transforming women’s lives”. This theme has been taken up as a movement for the rights, equality and justice for women after movement like #MeToo and #TimesUp were taken up (This is the news in finacialexpress )

 Educated People are saying and passing hundred of messages on social media that Today we have to remember that all life spring from women, look at the world and smile that without women, life would have been impossible. But I observed that the only one day showing respect to women and saying goody goody things about them and praising their success story. Is it really celebration? and Why there is need of celebrate women’s day?

 On this day we are talking about gender equality yet we are not on the path of equality we are making difference between men and women by telling our success story we are proving them that we were weaker than Man and now with the struggle we are with you in the race. Isn’t we upholding this idea???

 In the past on the name of women’s chastity, vandalism in male dominant society with women’s success and now a days on the name of sacrament, nobody seeing paralytic wing in cage of women’s life. Now a days we are constantly talking about feminism but, as showing and displaying both are different, the same way talking about it and really applying it in real life both the thing are far different. Chetan Bhgat writes in his books that… Feminism is a movement that seeks to define, establish and achieve equal political economic, cultural, personal and social rights for women. A feminist is someone who believes in this movement and further he says that Everything doesn’t need hi-fi labels like feminism. Just logic . If I can do it , you can do it. On the other side what Brazilian writer Paulo Coehlo recently said on publication of his latest novel that…”Feminism was a nightmare, Women lost this feminine side by trying to be feminists. I'm totally against this. I think that we are different genders, so we have to get the best of ourselves.” he said.

I found that what Coehlo is saying is right…why we women are wish to be like man instead of Human? We have to came out from this all stereotypes and man also should try to understand that feminist are not anti-male, they just want free spaces which man have already in society. After all freedom is the candle, wants to inflame, if patriarchy will go against them they will burn like wrath of torch.


  1. Very well observed dear. Keep it up. Never hesitate to say anything to anyone bcoz people always treat u by their level.

  2. Somewhere the deference Between Man and Women is natural So, everywhere it can't be equal.

  3. Awesome...Well written...keep good work continue...

  4. Hello Reena ,
    You made very beautiful digital world .......

    Becoz of that we can say that you and also' I 'can say 'we ' are free to exspres our thoughts ... Yes today is the international womens day ....But i think ..... Why we celebrate this day ..........
    Is thier showing respect and all the things for only one day ...... On women's day only??
    This question is constantly disturb me on this day...........!!
    But here your contaxts of some how setisfies me today ........

    Keep writing .........

    Keep on sharing ...... 😊👌👍

  5. Very well expressed your views Reena ..keep writing 😊

  6. Thnk you to all for giving your pracious time to read and sharing comments.


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