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The Sense of an Ending

Thinking Activity:
1) How do you understand memory and history with reference to your reading of this novel.


It's a book about history and how we recall events.” Robin Leggett.

“The memory becomes a thing of shreds and patches. It is a bit like the black box airplanes carry to record what happens in a crash. If nothing goes wrong, the tape erases itself. Therefore, if you do crash, it is obvious why you did; if you do not, and then the log of your journey is much less clear.”
Similarly Tony peep out in his past. When his own construction of memory break through just one letter, preserved by Veronica. Therefore, it is true that Tony records what happens in past but not as it happens but as he saw. Hence, his narrative may rises questions about character and their life.
What is really happened ?
Perhaps, “yes” – this is exactly What happened.
 but the way it(event) is remembered, memorized and historised  is questionable. How accurate are our memories of ourselves, of other, of event in our life?
Like Tony, we are far from perfect. We also invent convenient lies to mask uncomfortable truths. Like him we too carry the scars of our past, trying our best to forget and forgive at times others sometimes ourselves But what necessary is we too deserve to be heard and understood our remorse as we have sympathy for  Tony's Remorse.


The central theme of the novel is history and memory. the discourse on 'History' in this novel, takes a few deeper steps penetration to comes at worthier conclusion. Part two is all about documentation which prove the point of inadequacy of memory which construct History. Even Barnes recording his time's musicians and singers it is beautiful way to documentation of time.  The two definition of history which was discussed by Adrian and later on by Tony himself seems more convenient. Because, how history comes into existence ? It comes into existence only by construction of doubtful memory.

 “History is that certainty produced at the point where the imperfections of memory meet the inadequacies of documentation.”
“History isn’t the lies of the victors, as I once glibly assured Old Joe Hunt; I know that now. It’s more the memories of the survivors, most of whom are neither victorious nor defeated.”
Thus, Barnes aptly describes  the definition of history that, Self delusion of the defeated and lies Victors.

2) do you understand the concept of suicide with reference to your reading of literature ranging from Renaissance play Hamlet, 20th century Existentialist philosophy and this 21st century novel The Sense of an Ending?

"Robson had been cut down in the flower of youth "

It is certain that Suicide is victory of death drive – ‘Thanatos’ over ‘Eros'.  Life Instincts (Eros) ... Death Instincts ( Thanatos). In literature and in real life too, suicide happens. We know death of Ophelia in ‘Hamlet’, Virginia Woolf, Ram Sita in Ramayana, Adrian and Robson in this book. This various suicide signifies one's understanding or philosophy towards their life that their existence is now no more necessary to the world. They have done what they want to do and then without any hesitation they walk to death.

To read this whole poem click here  

(First image is taken from Andy Goldsworthy's art from here,


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