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This blog is part of my Academic activity on unit of Existentialism. Task.

What is Existentialism?
Existentialism – A Definition
Existentialism in the broader sense is a 20th century philosophy that is centered upon the analysis of existence and of the way humans find themselves existing in the world. The notion is that humans exist first and then each individual spends a lifetime changing their essence or nature.

In simpler terms, existentialism is a philosophy concerned with finding self and the meaning of life through free will, choice, and personal responsibility. The belief is that people are searching to find out who and what they are throughout life as they make choices based on their experiences, beliefs, and outlook. And personal choices become unique without the necessity of an objective form of truth. An existentialist believes that a person should be forced to choose and be responsible without the help of laws, ethnic rules, or traditions.( work is taken from…

(1) Existentialism is focuses on individuality, passion and freedom. Views of Albert Camus on believing in God being a part of community.

(2) Idea of Absurd is connected with myth of Sisyphus. Uselessness of suffering and repetition of same is an absurd reasoning. Other thing is that there is truly serious problem and that is Philosophical suicide. An elegant suicide is the ultimate work of art and as Camus says, “Suicide is an individual act.”

(3) The notion of philosophical suicide is that by this method people escape from the absurd. Absurd man know there is no space for hope.
A total absence of Hope ≠ Despair
A continual rejection ≠ Renunciation
Conscious dissatisfaction ≠ Immature Unrest

In addition Camus view that, “I am taking the liberty at this point of calling the existential attitude philosophical suicide.”
Does not the failure reveal beyond any possible explanation and interpretation not the absence but the existence of transcendence?
Thus, absurd becomes God( in the broadest meaning of this word) and that inability to understand becomes the existence that illuminates everything. Nothing logically prepares this reasoning.

Though, Reason is useless and there is ultimately nothing beyond reason.
Absurd +Faith = Escapism
Faith is the objective uncertainty with the repulsion of the absurd. For Existentialist negotiation is God.

    (4) Dadaism
1.Dadaism is quest for change. Every Dadaist question to every values. Creation is in the primary goal of Dadaism.

    (5) Existentialism a gloomy philosophy.
Despair, gloomy anxiety and absurd is life. What is meaning if life?
Search for truth or believing in God. It’s all that we are responsible for our choice, to our every decision.

   (6) What Existentialism is not ?
Not a philosophical system, is a best viewed as a philosophical movement. Origins of Existentialism is in 19th century Europe. Soren Kierkegaard(1813- 1855) Frederic Nietzsche( 1844 – 1900) Fyodor Dostoevsky (1021- 1881) are founding father of this movement.

- 20th century Existentialism became especially prominent in the mid 20th century, after world war 2.
- Existentialist are all concerned with the problem of living life as a human being.
- What is common about existentialism? Rejection of all encompassing system which propose to have definitive answers to the questions of meaning and purpose in life.
- What we need is Human Perspective  not a Divine perspective.
- Despair, anxiety and hopes is part of human life.

        Meaning of term Essence.
- The essence of a substance can be seen as its necessary properties or characteristics which are required for the thing to be what it is.
- ‘Human existence precedes Essence’ – Jean Paul Sartre.
- Unlike inanimate matter and other animals, humans could choose whether or not to act in accordance with their nature.
- As an atheist Sartre did not believe humans were designed.
(6) Existentialism Vs. Nihilism
There is no meaning or purpose of life, no personal meaning(Nihilism)
One can create  their own personal/subjective meaning.

(7) Not believing in rule which made up. We can make up our rules by own.

(8) Two sides way of life, 1.Mind 2.Heart mind appeals to intelligent and heart has a widely evocative mytho-poetic side.

(9) What is life meaning? (This is central question) meaning is Religion, Artistic beauty or fighting for justice. Everything have essence including as certain set of core.

Which video I like most and why?

 Why I like existentialism &Everyday life.
In this video speaker talks about sides of life, honesty, holism, rebellious way of thinking and ten step existentialism, from that some of is really interesting like, 1.Inhabit the present moment
2. Learn to live with passion
3. Build responsible community
4. Remember that you’re born to a brilliant and terrifying universe.
5.You are human. Itself extraordinary thing.

My Understanding of Existentialism.
We are never no where
We are always somewhere.

And consciousness of every moment itself good for personal morality and reason is that awakening makes our each act real. Make us to think about everything and one enjoy the life is in full after all Life is nothing until it is lived. 


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