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The Reluctant Fundamentalist

The Reluctant Fundamentalist

Juxtaposing dialogues from Mira Nair film “The Reluctant Fundamentalist” based on Mohsin Hamid’s  novel. It is a 2012 political thriller drama film. The film was produced by Lydia and co-produced by freelance screenwriter Ami Bogani, Hansi Farsi, Anadil Hossain and US producer Robin Sweet. Frame  narration of film is story within story and flashback technique is also used here.

It’s include several points like…
Past 9/11time, globalization, corporate world and World view at terrorism The Reluctant Fundamentalism starts with traditional Islamic Quvvali, film tries to portrayed theme of art. Holly book  Quran is against  sharaab and representation of Quvvali and melody with Shraab it’s in a way anti-Islam.

Changez Khan is hero of film, who is in love of America and do all good for nation America. He believe by doing that he is an American but threat of terrorism in Americans doubt on every in-native American and Changez Khan is One of them. Doubt are over dignity and human dignity damage and it raise objection of identity. Thus, Air of suspension around Changez take place and whole story pf movie goes on.

Coming back to Pakistan from America, Changez start giving lecture in colleges, Stereotypes set prejudice over Pakistani and wrong perception about Jihad, force to believe audience that Changez is  provoking students on name of Islam. But truth is not that, other side of is different.

Market Fundamentalism : During his interview with Lincoln, Changez says that at one point he was approached by a terrorist cell and asked to become amujahid, and he was tempted to accept, feeling deeply angered and disillusioned by "the arrogance, the blindness, the hypocrisy" of the USA, but he refuses when he was told about the "fundamental truths" of the Quran, echoing a phrase Jim Cross had used during their first encounter, "focusing on the fundamentals".

Father Son conflict : Changez’s  father is a well respected poet (Om Puri), but money has always been difficult for the family and Changez was only able to attend college when he got a scholarship to Princeton University Objection of Identity.

Apart from that film includes quality of suspense and  thriller. Mira Nair said that, “In my film we used the enigma of the situation- Is he spy, is he a terrorist, are neither or both? As the springboard for a dialogue, a bridge  connecting us, making each of us see ourselves in what we had regarded as ‘the others’.
She adds that, “The beauty of living in two or three places is your world view is forced to expand” ,when you live only here, it’s a one sided conversation with the rest of the world. We can connect it with Chimamanda’s danger of having single story!
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