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Post viewing Task on Pinter's 'The Birthday Party'

The play ‘The Birthday  Party’ has greatly been admired. It was Harold Pinter's second full length play.It has been said that 'The birthday Party' has neither a beginning nor an end, but for Pinter the past histories and characters do not matter much. The only fact with which he is concerned are the facts of what is said and done on stage. Thus, 'The Birthday Party' is  Unique play.

Here is my answer on given task by my Teacher as part of my academic work.

Why are two scenes of Lulu omitted from the movie? 
Director of any film is free to apply his/er own creativity in film If director find some unnecessary part from paly they can omitted it. In the Play Birthday Party two scene of Lulu not taken in film

Is movie successful in giving us the effect of menace? Where you able to feel it while reading the text
Yes, movie is successful in giving us the effect of menace through the scene of violence and anger. Scene of drum beating by Stenely. And while reading Third act of original play I feel beat of menace. In the third act when Goldberg and McCann had bombarded Stanley with questions, bringing all sorts of charges and accusations against him. Secondly, when there is black out in act two and whole scene that, there is no light in the room.

Do you feel the effect of lurking danger while viewing the movie? Where you able to feel the same while reading the text

While viewing the film I feel Effect of lurking danger in voice of door knocking and with the fear of Stenely when he heard news from Meg About Two men coming. And while reading 'The Birth Day Party' I feel the same which Pinter describes in his words that, “ Menace and fear do not come from extraordinary, sinister people, but from you and me; It is all matter of Circumstances.” Thus, Much of Pinter’s work emphasizes the fear lurking just round the corner. He convey to us a sense that peace is only an illusion.

What do you read in 'newspaper' in the movie? Petey is reading newspaper to Meg, it torn into pieces by McCain, pieces are hidden by Petey in last scene.

My interpretation is that, Newspaper is the symbol which connect outer world into the room. In beginning of Act two, McCann, who sits at the table, is tearing a sheet of a newspaper into five  equal strips. It is surprising to us that why he is doing this strange act? May be it is show meaninglessness of doing and May be he is finding some clue about Case of Stenely.

Camera is positioned over the head of McCain when he is playing Blind Man's Buff and is positioned at the top with a view of room like a cage (trap) when Stanley is playing it. What interpretations can you give to these positioning of camera? 
In this movie camera is well positioned and successful in creating appropriate effects. In those scenes it shows particular person’s mental condition as fear or ambiguity and what others are doing or thinking about Stenely. It gives multi meaning to scene.

"Pinter restored theater to its basic elements: an enclosed space and unpredictable dialogue, where people are at the mercy of one another and pretense crumbles." (Pinter, Art, Truth & Politics: Excerpts from the 2005 Nobel Lecture). Does this happen in the movie?
Yes, it does happened in the movie. We can see blurred dialogues, and with this space. We are not clear about  it without a doubt.

How does viewing movie help in better understanding of the play ‘The Birthday Party’ with its typical characteristics (like painteresque, pause, silence, menace, lurking danger)?
Yet, I didn’t read whole play, I have gone through several part of the play and I realize that viewing movie helps me in better understanding. Even in reading we just go with plain reading but while watching, actually we can study pause, painteresque and with background voice and visuals on screen we can feel menace and lurking danger.

 8.With which of the following observations you agree:
1.“It probably wasn't possible to make a satisfactory film of "The Birthday Party. 
2.“It's impossible to imagine a better film of Pinter's play than this sensitive, disturbing version directed by William Friedkin”[3]. (Ebert)
I agree with the first observation because it probably wasn’t possible to make a satisfactory film of “The Birthday Party”. Reason is that ‘The story line in Pinter’s play is usually as indefinite as the characters. We are often in doubt whether an event has actually taken place or not’. In that to make a film with no plot is not an everyone’s cup of tea. 

 9.If you were director or screenplay writer, what sort of difference would you make in the making of movie? Who would be your choice of actors to play the role of characters?
If I was Director or screen play writer, I would make some changes in Setting of making movie. Further, I would like to make change in lightning of the movie and outlook of Stenely. 

List of Actor to play the role of Character as per my Choice.

Rajat Kapoor as Petey
Ratna Pathak as Meg 
Naseeruddin Shah as Goldberg
Aayushmn  Khurrana as Stenely.


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