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Interaction with Dr.Vedant Pandya

I was reading one article on Jstore, Titled concerned teacher makes the difference"  by BILLY J. PASCHAL. In the introduction part He said  that… ‘The chief cause of low achievement of disadvantaged children are that, many teachers and principal honestly believe that these children are educable only to an extremely limited extent. Disadvantaged children rarely exceed the expectation level of their teachers, and it is devastating for these children to have teachers who have a low expectation level for their learning. The teacher’s negative image of disadvantaged children lowers the children’s self perception or self image and affects their academic achievement and classroom behavior.’ 

Well, I mentioned this piece of article in my blog to prove that There are teachers like Dr.Dilip Barad (at Dept. of English MKBU)who always concerned about students and keep organizing workshops and events related to our career. In Advantage of that we learn variety of things at same platform from various speakers, teachers, authors, translators and scholar of variety of field. Sir keeps on telling that As student of master or University one should always talking and preparing themselves for exams like NET and SET and for that through out the semester He keeps on inviting many professors.

Vedant Pandya is one of them and on 23rd january 2019 Sir invited him to deal with us on the NET paper 1. Vedant Pandya in his crystal clear style talked with us on all 10 components of NET paper 1.

1.Teaching Aptitude
2.Research Aptitude
5.Reasoning and Aptitude
6.Logical Reasoning
7.Data Interpretation
9. People, Development and environment
10.Higher Education System

And in detail He discussed about various universities of state and government and Grant in aid college, affiliated with Universities. For that I would like suggests to read Ramiz’s blog.

Moreover, it was fruitful session for us and after that we played Kahoot online game. It was related to content which was discussed by Vedant Sir. Overall it was an interesting session.
            Pro.Vedant Pandya @Dept. of Eng.
               PC by Dr.Dilip Barad


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