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Comparative study of 'Slumdog Millionaire' and 'The white Tiger'.

Comparative study of 'Slumdog Millionaire' and 'The white Tiger'. The film was directed by Danny Boyle , written by Simon Beaufoy and Novel written by Man Booker prize winner Arvind Adiga.

1.Narrative Structure
Narrative structure of both novel and film are same in large part.  Novel and film both have  flashback narrative  technique. The novel is composed of a series of letters addressed to the Premiere of China, Web Jiabao. The writer of these letters, and it is known from  the contents of the letters, is the protagonist Balram Halwai alias Munna, the son of rickshaw puller who designate him in the letter pad as ‘The White Tiger’, a thinking man and successful entrepreneur in Bangalore. Thus, the protagonist quotes from poster and explain line by line , adding further information and also his own observation of that particular situation. The poster is..

“General public is hereby informed that the man in the picture (a faded picture of the protagonist is also attached) Namely Balram Halwai alias Munna Son of Vikram Halwai rickshaw- puller is wanted for questioning. Age: between 25 and 35. Complexion: blackish. Face: Local, Height: Five feet four inches estimated. Build: Thin, small.

Same happens in the movie  Slumdog Millionaire, the protagonist Jamal Malik from Asia's biggest slum. Who plays as contestant in  the show “Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?.” There are questions in the show and with each questions there are reflections of his past and some moment connected with it. So, basically there was a parallel structure. Some thing from past and present go hand in hand. The narrative gave it necessary twist so as to incorporate elements to stream of consciousness in both the literary work.

2. Indianness
There is  indianess in both the text, representation of images of Train, Slum and Indian Education as well as religious system and poverty is the major theme or rather to say darkness of India is heart of both the literary work.
But I found that poverty is one of the main issue, which attacking on this all moral or social value of life. While reading “The theme of Poverty in the 21st Century Indian English Novel with special reference to Kiran Desai, Kamala Markandaya and Arvind Adiga” by Neeru Tandon… She beautifully writes that..

It’s the 21st century ,
World has advanced in many ways, yet poverty still cries.
Looking at the little bit with tears in his eyes,
Desperately searching for love, companion and good clothes.
We all know what it clearly indicates and shows,
I see poverty in a Rich man trying to find love,
I see poverty in a well educated man who lacks modesty.
I see poverty in a literate man who respect for poor.
I see poverty in a selfish man who wants more
The world is still imperfect despite all the advancements, 
Because there is,

3. List of questions asked in the film. If you have to replace or add a few questions, which questions would you like to add. Remember, questions shall be in-tune with the screenplay of the film.

There was nine questions in the movie. Which are listed as below.

 1.Who was the star in the 1973 hit film Zanzeer...
   a) Shah Rukh Khan
   b) Salman Khan
   c) Amitabh Bachhan
   d) Ranbir Kapoor

2. A picture of three lions is seen in the national emblem of India. What is written underneath it?
    a) The Truth alone triumphs
    b) Lies alone triumphs
    c) Fashion alone triumphs
    d) Money alone triumphs

3. In depiction of God Rama, he is famously holding what in his right hand?
    a) A bow and arrow
    b) A sword
    c) A child
    d) A flower

4. The song " Darshan Do Ghanshyam" was written by which famous Indian poet?
    a) Surdas
    b) Tulsidas
    c) Mira bai
    d) Kabir

5. On the American One Hundred Dollar Bill, there is portrait of which American Statesman?
    a) George Washington
    b) Franklin Roosevelt
    c) Benjamin Franklin
    d) Abraham Lincoln

6. Who invented the revolver?
    a) Samuel Colt
    b) Bruce Browning
    c) Dan Wesson
    d) James Revolver

7. Cambridge Circus is in which UK City?
    a) Oxford
    b) Leeds
    c) Cambridge
    d) London

8. Which cricketer has scored the most first class centuries in history?
    a) Sachin Tendulkar
    b) Ricky Ponting
    c) Michael Slater
    d) Jack Hobbs

9. In Alexander Dumas' book, "The Three Musketeers", two of the musketeers are called Athos and Porthos. What was the name of the third Musketeer?
    a) Aramis
    b) Cardinal Richetieu
    c) D' Artagnan
    d) Planchet

This is the series of questions asked in Show to Jamal which is somehow connected with his life and in tune of that we come to know about his past. Further, I don't want to add any new questions.

4. On what grounds can you deconstruct the film with reference to post colonial tools / theories
This both work received applause as well as strong criticism for the portrait of modern India. The movie Slumdog Millionaire is as disturbing as it is entertaining because of it view of India through its true picture of poverty and dark picture of India. As Indian if we look at it with post colonial angel we might have many problems like… Slum area of Mumbai, People or life in slum, behave of brown people with white/foreigners, Indian education system and railway station in frame of film remembers that it is established by colonizer. 

5. Compare with Texture and Treatment of subject content in film and novel.

Texture and Treatment of subject content in film and novel is similar at some extend, both has glorify darker side of India, Asia’s biggest slum ‘Dharavi’ in ‘Slumdog Millionaire' and Laxmangarh  of Bihar' in ‘The white Tiger'.  Flashback Narrative pattern of the both work beautifully use past and present but, somehow at the end we feel Balram Halwai as not good hero, archetypes of Hero who have pride and heroic characteristics. On other we have Jamal Malik in film who in the show and get his lover too, and he became hero. But he became hero only because there was someone like Salim, antagonist of the film so, in compare of him Jamal is nicer and as per archetypes of literature poetic justice done with death of salim which is absence in novel.


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