Sunday 17 May 2020

Webinar 2020 MKBU/Literature & Epidemic

• Why we carry so much load on our soul???

Well, general answer is, We Human being can think. Thinking makes us different from all the living thing on the planet. Same as about current situation of covid-19. People all across the world are reading, writing, watching, listening and being victim of this disaster.

In this pendamic, Our Pro.Dr.Dilip Barad, Dept of English.MKBU University has come out with an outstanding idea of 'National Conference' as Webinar on 'Literature and Epidemic'. It's really an innovative as well time demanding step towards learning. So on 16th & 17th May 2020, with the scholars of all over India, I participated in this Webinar. Click here to know all about this webinar 

• 'Literature and Epidemic'

Under this topic people are studying the diaries, movies, novels, newspapers, news, social media, cultures, images, art, mythology, psychology of human mind & behaviour, cause & effects of pendamic, and everything related to the corona, ebola, Spanish flue, plague, mercury, Nhn1 and variety of disease which human's past generation has faced.

On this various plenary speakers as well paper presenters shared their views and widen the horizon of our knowledge. Nearly 80 scholar presented their paper and 12 Plenary speakers shared their innovative, creative and deeply studied knowledge with us. It was like a lot of work to be done in a very short period of time. Though where there is a will, there is a way, same with the very heartily everyone made this webinar successful.

• Most concerned or talked topic was - How would the world after covid-19? How life will reshape in different manners. Fear of disease will shape the humanity in different way. Psychology of people will change... People will start feeling frighten from people. Touch, smell even in the air we will feel the virus for a long time...

• Online shopping-online transaction will increase and along with it Online learning will fastly emerge. Teachers and students both have to be ready with the new ways of learning technology. Despite, what to teach, How to teach will become more serious question. The same way what and how to learn online will be issue of the students. Apart from it, Education through technology is very expensive. Will Our government  able to tackle with upcoming challenges towards education??? This is the point to think upon.

• Experience as participate of online National conference.

The new way of learning (Though as student of Dept. Of English MKBU, I used to study with online classes but this webinar is something beyond it)
To listen the great speakers live on the one platform it's an amazing but what is more fascinating is, you can listen all the speakers at your home in your comfort. Even you can share your comments and appreciation to make webinar more live or to leave your footprint there. Though holding mobile phone for hours in a hot summer day, watching continuously to the mobile screen is not an easy task. And at the end of day your exhausted use of data not allow you to open anything!  By experiencing this we can understand that more than us it's very rigorous task for organizers. So, Heartily Thanks to Dr. Dilip Barad Sir, Miss. Vaidehi Hariyani Ma'am and from Great speakers to all the tiny dots. We (the Learner) are  hoping for this kind of conferences in future too.

I would like to end with The famous opening lines from Charles Dickens' seminal novel on the French Revolution: "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way..."

Here, I am sharing some of the screenshots of this two days webinar...

Saturday 9 May 2020

Me & My Mother

I never wrote on my parents especially for my mother. I always longing for motherly love. I always believe that she sees me as her competitor or treat me like I'm an adult one. She is mother and I'm daughter this the only lacking thing in our relationship.

Almost all the days in our family starts with bitter conversation of my parents same like quarrel. As my mother never miss the chance to be rebellious in front of anyone. May be reason for quarrel is our dept or absence of  wealth.  She is straight forward in replying anything to anyone. My father expecting too much from her in fact in all the tiny things, but she never flow with it. It's from my one of the great concern that my father too never accept things from her as things are.  Apart from it, He always believe that if he is unsuccessful today only because of my mother that she didn't support him. Thus, ever if I take the side of my father she starts thinking that I'm same like my father and against of her but it's not real thing.

There is always one repentance in my life that, when I was in menstruation period very first time... She saws the blood on my bottom wear though she didn't clarify what it is? where I was total unknown to this physical change. It is the thing always gives tears in my eyes. What she teach me is all about how to maintain clarity of home. If I spend my whole  day in house chores or in cooking she will start loving me for that. I feel how to care for children's liking or disliking is the lacking in her. She never thinks that how to spend the life is everyone's own choice. As far the concern of how to use time is dependent on own choice but if she found me holding book for more than hour she starts interrupting.
In this all cases she found me as mature that I don't need any of her advice at all, but though she keep on finding my faults in whatever things I do.

I saw many mothers boasting about their daughters. I never wants that type of mother. In fact I'm used to with my mother. Everyday we have some happy moments too. All this write up doesn't mean she is not taking care where  I'm sick or etc., She is always there but somehow she always puts me alone to tackle with everything if it's making Mohanthal very first time or fighting with myself for existing. Even I should say I like to celebrate my birth day but before that birth my mother faced a painfilull months. I'm very  unknown to it. I should sacrifice my everything for that painful days &nights of her! After all my existence is only boon by her.   At last, I just want that at least she should feel pride for her daughter that her daughter is not same in the crowd.

Today, I got this boldness to write the truth it's all cause of her.The reason behind it's the only that I learn it from her behaviour... How to speak truth!

 Happy Mother's Day 2020.
#lockdown effect #StayHomeStaySafe.

This Summer Vacation...

Students,invest your leisure time in some worthwhile activities rather than just scrolling the reels and playing mobile games. Here is the l...