Tuesday 5 December 2023

A visit to a Magic shop

Once upon a time, I went on a special adventure to a magic shop. It wasn't just any ordinary store; it was a place where wonders happened.

As I entered, bells chimed, and the air tingled with excitement. Shelves were filled with mysterious things—glittering wands, colorful hats, and books with spells. A kindly old man stood behind the counter, his eyes twinkling like stars.

He welcomed me warmly and asked, "What magic are you looking for today?" I wandered around, marveling at all the enchanting items. There were tricks with cards, disappearing coins, and even a hat that seemed to float in the air!

The old man noticed my curiosity and offered to show me a few tricks. He waved his wand, and suddenly, colorful scarves appeared out of nowhere. My eyes widened with amazement!

He taught me a simple trick too—a secret behind making a coin vanish and reappear. I practiced it eagerly, feeling like a real magician.

Before leaving, the old man whispered, "Remember, the true magic lies within you. Believe in yourself, and anything is possible." That day at the magic shop was an unforgettable journey into a world where imagination and belief created wonders beyond our wildest dreams.

This Summer Vacation...

Students,invest your leisure time in some worthwhile activities rather than just scrolling the reels and playing mobile games. Here is the l...