Tuesday 27 February 2024

Picture writing for 6th standard

This is the picture of Zoo.

At the zoo, a mischievous monkey giggles in the cage and entertaining everyone with its playful antics. 

Nearby, children enjoying with fluffy rabbit.

A friendly elephant stands tall beside a calm camel, creating a harmonious scene.

Laughter and joy fill the air as kids bond with these adorable creatures.

Picture remind us our memorable experience of zoo visit.


This is the picture of lovely green garden. 

A boy climbs a guava tree while another joyfully pedals his bicycle. 

One Girl share laughter with Rabbit, playing with a colorful ball, spreading happiness all around. 

One boy is flying the kite.

Near a peaceful pond, a girl feeds ducks.
On the bench a girl enjoys a book reading.
A boy playing with his pets adds the charm in picture.

Allover, the picture of garden is eye pleasing.

Monday 12 February 2024

Advantages of a Morning Walk

 Title: Advantages of a Morning Walk


A morning walk is like a magical potion that brings numerous advantages to our health and well-being. As the sun rises, taking a stroll in the fresh morning air can do wonders for our body and mind. Let's explore the enchanting benefits of this simple yet powerful activity.

Physical Fitness:

   A morning walk helps to keep our bodies fit and active. It is like a gentle exercise that wakes up our muscles and gets our blood pumping. As the saying goes, "Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise."

Fresh Air, Fresh Mind:

   In the morning, the air is crisp and clean. Breathing in this fresh air helps to rejuvenate our lungs and brings a sense of freshness to our mind. It's true what they say, "A breath of fresh air does wonders for the soul."

Nature's Beauty:

   The early morning is a time when nature showcases its beauty. The flowers bloom, birds chirp, and the world seems to wake up with us. As the saying goes, "The early bird catches the worm."

Stress Buster:

   A morning walk is a fantastic stress buster. It allows us to clear our minds, leave behind the worries of the day, and start afresh. Remember, "Don't let the grass grow under your feet."

Boosts Concentration:

   Walking in the morning helps improve concentration and focus throughout the day. It's like sharpening our mind.


In conclusion, a morning walk is a delightful journey that offers a treasure trove of benefits. It keeps us physically fit, mentally refreshed, and emotionally balanced. So, let's embrace the beauty of the morning and make walking a part of our daily routine. As the old saying wisely puts it, "An early-morning walk is a blessing for the whole day."

Essay on My Favorite Cricketer


Title: My Favorite Cricketer: M.S. Dhoni


Cricket is a game that fills our hearts with excitement and joy. One cricketer who has captured my admiration is none other than the legendary M.S. Dhoni. Known for his cool demeanor on the field and exceptional leadership skills, Dhoni is not just a cricketer; he is an inspiration for many.

M.S. Dhoni, often called "Captain Cool," has a batting style that leaves fans in awe. His powerful hits and clever strategies make every match unforgettable. As the saying goes, "Practice makes perfect," and Dhoni's dedication to the game is a shining example for all aspiring cricketers.

Moreover, Dhoni's ability to handle pressure is like the calm before the storm. He tackles challenging situations with the ease of a seasoned sailor navigating rough seas. It reminds us of the old saying, "Fortune favors the brave," and Dhoni's bravery on the field has led to many victories for the Indian cricket team.

In addition to his cricketing prowess, Dhoni is a team player. He understands the importance of unity, and as the saying goes, "United we stand, divided we fall." His leadership has brought the team together, turning challenges into triumphs. He teaches us that success is sweeter when shared.


In conclusion, M.S. Dhoni is not just a cricketer; he is a role model for all cricket enthusiasts. His skills, leadership, and sportsmanship make him stand out in the cricketing world. As we watch him play, we learn valuable life lessons – the importance of practice, staying calm under pressure, and the strength that comes from unity. Dhoni's journey in cricket is a story of determination, hard work, and success. As the sun sets on his cricketing career, the legacy of Captain Cool will continue to inspire generations to come.

Sunday 11 February 2024

Essay on My loving Mother

Title: My Loving Mother


A mother is like a shining sun in our lives, spreading warmth and love. My loving mother is my best friend, always there to guide and care for me. Her smile is as bright as the morning sun, and her hugs are like a cosy blanket on a chilly day.

Her Caring Nature

My mother is the epitome of care and tenderness. She makes sure I am well-fed, helps me with my homework, and tucks me into bed with bedtime stories. Like the saying goes, "Mother knows best," she always knows what's good for me. Her caring nature is a beacon that lights up our home.

A Source of Wisdom

My mother is not just loving; she is also wise. She often shares wise sayings like "Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise." Her words of wisdom guide me through life's challenges, making me a better person each day. I am grateful for the valuable lessons she imparts.

Unconditional Love

A mother's love is like no other, and my mom's love is unconditional. She says, "Love me little, love me long," meaning that the depth of love matters more than its duration. Her love makes me feel secure and cherished, even on my worst days. I am blessed to have a mother who loves me so much.

Supportive Companion

In good times and bad, my mother is my supportive companion. She encourages me to reach for the stars, reminding me that "Where there's a will, there's a way." Her belief in me gives me the strength to overcome challenges. With her by my side, I feel like I can conquer the world.


In conclusion, my loving mother is the heart of our home. With her caring nature, wisdom, unconditional love, and unwavering support, she is the glue that binds our family together. I am grateful for every moment spent with her, and I cherish the beautiful lessons she teaches me every day. A loving mother is a treasure, and I am lucky to have the best one in the world.

The Talking Pet


Having a talking pet sounds like a magical adventure! Imagine if our pets could talk and share their thoughts with us. It would be so much fun to have conversations with them, just like talking to a friend.

The Joy of Communication

If pets could talk, we could ask them how their day was or tell them about ours. They could express their feelings, and we could understand them better. It would create a special bond between us and our furry friends.

Learning from Talking Pets

Talking pets could teach us things too! They might share stories about their adventures or give us advice in their own unique way. Having a talking pet could be like having a wise friend who always has interesting things to say.

Challenges of Talking Pets

While having a talking pet sounds amazing, it could also bring some challenges. We might need to be patient and understanding, just like with friends. Sometimes, they might have different opinions, and we would need to learn how to navigate those differences.

Conclusion - Imagining the Fun

In conclusion, the idea of a talking pet is a delightful dream. Although our pets may not talk in real life, we can always enjoy the joy and laughter they bring into our homes. Imagining a world with talking pets adds a sprinkle of magic to our everyday lives, making our bond with them even more special.

Essay on Self Discipline

Introduction to Self-Discipline

Self-discipline is like being your own superhero. It means making good choices and doing the right things even when no one is watching. It's like having a set of rules for yourself to become a better person.

Behaving Well Everywhere

Self-discipline helps us behave well at home, in school, and with friends. It means listening to our parents, following classroom rules, and playing games fairly. When we have self-discipline, we become responsible and make everyone around us happy.

Doing Homework and Chores

Part of self-discipline is doing our homework and chores without being told every time. It's like becoming a homework hero and a chore champion. By doing our tasks on time, we show responsibility and learn the importance of getting things done.

Examples of Self-Disciplined Persons

Many famous people show self-discipline. Thomas Edison, who invented the light bulb, never gave up even when things were tough. Another example is Rosa Parks, who had the self-discipline to stand up for what was right during the Civil Rights Movement.

Conclusion - Be Your Own Superhero

In conclusion, self-discipline is a superpower that helps us become better individuals. By following rules, being responsible, and looking up to great examples, we can be our own superheroes, making our world a better place for everyone.

Essay on Internet



The internet is like a big library on the computer. It's a special place where we can find lots of information and talk to our friends. It's like a magical world inside our devices.

What it does:

The internet helps us learn new things, play fun games, and talk to people far away. We can watch videos, read stories, and even do our homework using the internet. It's like having a friend who knows everything!

Merits and Demerits:

Using the internet is good because we can learn so much, but we need to be careful. It can be like a big playground with good and not-so-good things. We should always ask our grown-ups before going to new websites and be kind to others when we talk online.

How to use?

While the Internet is awesome, we need to be careful and stay safe. We should always ask a grown-up before going online. We shouldn't share personal information like our address or phone number. It's important to be kind to others online, just like we are in real life. By being smart and safe, we can enjoy all the wonderful things the Internet has to offer!


In the end, the internet is like a powerful tool. If we use it wisely, it can help us explore and have fun. But we should remember to be safe and use it with the help of our grown-ups. It's a big, exciting world out there, and the internet is one way we can explore it!

This Summer Vacation...

Students,invest your leisure time in some worthwhile activities rather than just scrolling the reels and playing mobile games. Here is the l...