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T. S. Eliot's essay Tradition and Individual Talent
*Thinking activity

1) How would you like to explain Eliot's concept of Tradition? Do you agree with it?     First of all yes, I'm agree with the idea of tradition of Eliot,  his  concept of 'Tradition' is not a very favourable term with the English who generally utilize the same as a term of censure, but in simple way Eliot says about tradition that it has a three fold significance. 

Firstly, tradition cannot be inherited and involves a great deal of labour and erudition. 

Secondly, it involves the historical sense which involves apperception not only of the pastness of the past, but also of its presence. 

Thirdly the historical sense... write not only with his own generation in mind, but with a feeling that the whole of the literature. 

2) What do you understand by Historical Sense?
As above I mentioned that historical sense Means knowledge of entire previous writing of the era not only of his/her own generation.
In other words historical sense,  which is a sense of the timeless as well as of the temporal and of the timeless and of the temporal togather is what makes a writer traditional.

3) What is the relationship between 'Tradition' and the 'Individual Talent ' according to the poet T.S. Eliot?

Tradition is alredy exiting monument and individual talent  to merge in with tradition. Individual Talent does not cut itself away from the tradition can only marginally add a bit. 

4) Explain: "Some can absorb knowledge, the more tardy must sweat for itShakespeare acquired more essential history from Plutarch than most men could from the whole British Museum".
Eliot demand from his poet as well as from his reader a wide reading.for better understanding he gives example of luminieries like Shakespeare who was not highly educated in the conventional sense but what it is still that Shakespeare array of entire age because he seems to lived his age and absorbed knowledge. 
We can say here Eliot actually borrowing idea from Matthew Arnold,  his essay on function of criticism but in the essay of Function of criticism at the present time mentioned that great epochs of creativity doesn't come often 

5) Explain: "Honest criticism and sensitive appreciation is directed not upon the poet but upon the poetry"
In simple words honest criticism means there is no any sensitive appreciation means within the prejudice about poet one should criticize the work. Thus the honest criticism and sensitive appreciation is directed not upon the poet but upon the the work itself.                     
6 ) How would you like to explain Eliot's theory of depersonalization? You can explain with the help of chemical reaction in presence of catalyst agent, Platinum.
Chemical reaction for better understanding about creative writing process 
So3+ H2o--->(Platinum)H2So4
Here platinum is the medium through process happened and H2So4 came in existence,  the same way in creative process Human mind need medium or content of feeling like suffering, pain,  happiness etc.,  but as in chemical process at result we gets only sulphuric acid and absence of platinum a medium the same way should be in creative writing that writer's own reflection of feelings should not reflect in his/her works. 

7) Explain" Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion; it is not the expression of personality, but an escape from personality."

   We can say that Poetry should impersonal. As Eliot says Poetry is not expression of emotion but poet should away from his personal emotion in his work.Eliot further writes: The poet has, not a "personality" to express, but a particular medium, which is only a medium and not a personality

8) Write two points on which one can write critique on 'T.S. Eliot as a critic'.

1.Eliot's thought of  anti-romantics that he declares the death of author and 
2.idea of historical sense. 
These two points I found critical  on which one can critique. 


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