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Thinking Activity on Frankenstein

FRANKENSTEIN or The Modern Prometheus.  By - Marry Shelley (Gothic science fiction written in 1818) 

1) What are the some major difference between Movie and the Novel Frankenstein? 
One can find many differences between movie and original text because, in about two hours the director of film must leaves out some parts of story and hold on the attention on only special themes it can be possible while in book there is no time and words limit so we can see detailed discussion.
*All the Differences between Movie and Novel (Movie by  Kenneth Branagh in 1994 and Novel by Marry Shelley 1818.)

1. In the starting of  book When Victor meets Captain Robert Walton, near the North Pole in the book the Victor is old, ill, weak and dying while in movie victor is quite young and well enough.

2.In the very beginning part of story when Victor is a young boy, in the house of Geneva,  is narrated by the Marry shelley with detailed description of the place and narration of the facts and feelings . In the movie this first or introductiory part is nearly absent.

3. Book describe that Ernest is second brother of Victor but in movie victor and William only two brothers.

4.In the book Victor meets his friend Clerval Henry in Geneva because their parents are also good friends and Henry doesn't study at the University of Ingolstandt, while in the movie Victor meets him at University. the film after the creation of Monster,  Victor is ill,  tired and filled with horror at that time Henry takes care of him and Elizabeth came there too,  in book Elizabeth remains in Geneva with Victor's family even she didn't go for visit to meet Victor at University.

6.In the Marry Shelley's novel,  the Monster wants to take revenge on all the society because of his condition  people consider him different and for this reason,  a Monster an ugly looking and dangerous person for the others, while in the film the Monster wants to his revenge only on Victor, his creator.

7.Victor 's father dies in the book by a heart  attack when he comes to know about Elizabeth's death by Monster, while in the film it is the Monster itself murders Victor's Father.

8.In the book Victor isn't in Geneva when he learns in a letter from his father about his youngest brother William's death.

9. In the book William talks to Monster when he saw Monster and William wearing the portrait of his mother Caroline while in the movie William frighten from Monster and he portrait of Victor Frankenstein.

10.In the book Monster collects firewood for the De Lacey's family while in movie he collects beet roots .

11.In the book Monster learns how to read and write when Felix teaches his language to an Arabian girl called Sofie by reading from history book; in the movie this Arabian girl is not present  with her different culture.

12.In the film Victor doesn't go to the remote Orkney islands to make a female creature for the Monster instead in... the same lab where he made first creature he made lady Monster.

13.The Monster saves a young girl in the book,  it is not prese in movie.

14.In the book Victor destroyed the female or lady Monster before had finished,  while in film Victor brings back to life of Elizabeth who commit suicide burning herself.

15.In the book Victor was researching on his project because he wants to personal glory, name and fame;  while in movie instead of personal aim he works for Humanity or whole whole world.
2)Did this movie help you in Understanding the plot of the Novel? 
After discussing all the dissimilarities between Kenneth Branagh's Frankenstein and Marry Shelley's Frankenstein we have noticed that there are major changes it may due to the gap of time between novel and movie but certainly saying that Movie helps to understanding plot of the novel because theme of the both work are same.

3)Who do you think is real Monster?  
As per my point of view Monster is real Monster. Some says that society or situation made him cruel but How to deal with the situation is the real question.
We can see in book of Job that Job suffers a lot cause of exam taken by God but till the end he didn't looses his greatness or honesty it shows his presence of mind and it is absence in Creature that's the way he can not know the righteous way of his problems that how to face society? How to maintain relationships with others.
Thus,  Society have  not only problems with his ugly look but with his act that how he take action in every situation.

4)From where Marry Shelley get the idea for the novel Frankenstein?
Mary Shelley , P.B. Shelley,  Lord Byron and John Polidori all four bat on that among four of them who can write best work with horror theme and result of that we can get novel Frankenstein best work of Marry Shelley. She suffers a lot in her own life too, when was born her mother died and at the young age she ran off to Europe with P. B. Shelley thus beyond the ideas her own unhappiness towards life also reflected so we can say that not whole but many ideas from her own experience she get the idea for the novel Frankenstein.

5)Do you think the search for the  knowledge is dangerous and destructive?
No,  I think the search for the knowledge is not dangerous and destructive because behind the each new invention human's lust for knowledge is responsible thus thirst of knowledge is not dangerous but there is limit of everything and crossing of this limits is always dangerous and destructive.   
6) What are some myths used by Marry Shelley in the Frankenstein? 
Marry Shelley uses the several myths in her novel for making her work more effective.

1.myths of Prometheus
Prometheus is Greek hero who could not see the suffering of people without fire on earth and that's the way he stole fire from heavfir. Same way in Frankenstein Doctor or Victor can not see the death and he tries to over power on God's ability of life and death.
2.Myth of Narcissus
Narcissus was the son of river God,  he has proud of his own beauty.Echo attracted towards him but he rejected her and busy with his own reflection in river and died at same place; here,  in Frankenstein the reflection is Monster of Victor means Victor blindly following his reflection he can not see anything else within his reflection and that's the way he made creature and at last his own creation became the reason of his fall.
3.Myth of Genesis/creator
This is the myth that God creates Adam and for his companion God creates Eve but by their mistake at the last both are punished by god , the same in Frankenstein Victor creates Monster.
Monster feels moral dillemma he compare himself with Adam later on with Satan... Moral confusion in his mind hexis Adam or Satan?

7)Write about the Narratology of Frankenstein. 
Narratology means looks at what narratives have in common and what makes one different from another.
Narrative style in Frankenstein is story within story or box within box style.  It means we can see three separate narrator of same story. Here first narrator is Robert Walton who is telling story of Frankenstein to her sister in letter form... Second narrator is Victor who is telling his own story to Walton and Monster is third narrator who is telling his story to Victor Frankenstein.


  1. Welll expressed answer images used appropriately also. Keep it up Miliiiiii...

  2. Superb..... using of image...and comparison of movie and novel...well done...very beautifully step by step is reviewed by you ..and you kept all d point in mind then compared it...its really good thing.


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