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Session with Dr.Javed Khan

Department of English MK Bhavnagar University organised three day's interaction with experts of SP University of VallabhVidhyaNagar. In this Dr. Javed Khan and Dr. R.K.Mandaliya deal with us. What I get from this three day's sessio, that briefly I want to mention here, Especially  Dr. Javed Khan deal with us on ELT, English Language Teaching. But before that i wanna say that...
Readers are genuis...! And Dr.Javed Khan a very very amazing book lover, this is the one thing i want to describe first. And He have great propensity to teach ELT.

Between 16th august to 18th august we collabarate on ELT, Topics of Interaction is like...
(1st Session)
1.  Devlopments preceding the dawn of the Milennuim(utopia, happiness)

2. Gset/Net

3. Intitiation to ELT in Higher Education

4. English For Spacific Purpose

5. English For Academic Purpose - Liz - Hamp Lyons

6. Assessment Rand Evalution: The shifting Paradigm.

On the very begining of ineraction He gave an excellent example of Word 'SEEK' that trying to Seeking for knowledge and it's
require great Austerely (તપશ્ચર્યા). Because skill set is very much require to be successful, and knowledge makes you self Confident.

Morever, He talk about ELT, that numerous inventions including those in communication and technology have shaped the begining of twenith century. And what are the major requirement for that is,
1.Skill  Requirement
- Numeracy
- self confidence
- problem solving
- analysis & interpersonal skills

2.ICT Skill
-Team Working
- Flexibility
- Adapatably

(2nd Session)

On NET/SLET The Great Challange!
 This is also fruitfull session for all the students, in this Sir talked about general rules of exam or structure of exam to he coverd all the aspect of exam.

Sir gave some contexual points, to make exam's preparation good.
1.Worked by the skin of their teeth to make the grade!
2. Systamatic planning & single minded devotion is neccessary.
3. Experimention & Experience of the youth will need to be made secondary
4. Good Reading holds the key to great success.

(3rd to 6th Session)

In the thurd session Sir deal with Intiation to English language Teaching in Higher Education.

Intiation and need for it is Sacraments, which lead towards Tradition and it becomes Faith.

And more about ELT as broad term. Starts from basic questions like,

1.What to teach?
2.When to teach?
3.Why to teach it?
4. Howcto teach?
5. What Materials to use?
6. What methodology to use?
7. What tools of testing t use for measuring the outcome of these decisions?
8. How to correct the anomalies noticed?

To coverd ESP (English for Specific Purpose) EAP (English for Academic Purpose) ELP (English for Literary Purpose).

Here, I am attaching some of pic of class notes, which was notes during interactions.

If there is question like, How this interactions going to be helpful to you as students in exam and in life as teacher or any profession or human being? 

I would like to say that, This interaction going to help me more as life long learner than student in life. And if we see it through Javed Sir's perspective Learner is always with young mind.

And further that When , I raised question in class about how to manage time, reply was that, curiosity makes your priority!  There is always time for doing something. And Perfomance is the reflection of competence, abilities, skills and knowledge. So , this is the life long message for me and obviously it's going to helpful me.


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